Refuse what you do not need; reduce what you do need; reuse what you consume; recycle what you cannot refuse, reduce, or reuse; and rot (compost) the rest.” ― Bea Johnson
"Sustainable art" refers to artworks and artistic practices that incorporate environmentally friendly and socially responsible principles. This can manifest in various ways, including the use of eco-friendly materials, recycling or repurposing existing materials, minimizing environmental impact, and incorporate educational elements into their work, aiming to inspire viewers about sustainable practices and issues.
Participating details
Category A: 5 - 8 years old
Category B: 9 - 12 years old
Category C: 13-16 years old
3D and 2D traditional / digital artworks should be minimum A4 size of any medium.
Digital artwork is required to print out if shortlisted for showcase.
Judging is from 20% voting from public and 80% from professional panel based on creativity, techniques and the positivity from the artwork.
There will be Gold, Silver and Bronze awardees for each category. Prizes including Artlette gift vouchers and art materials.
Awardees artworks will be displayed at Artlette exhibition (venue to be confirmed) bringing your art to wider audience.
Important Dates
Submission period: 18 Mar - 30 Apr 2024
Winners announcement: May 2024
Exhibition period: May/Jun 2024
Be a part of something extraordinary! Unleash your creativity and submit your artwork today!